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Phonics and Early Reading 


At Ringwood Junior School, we recognise the importance of all children being able to read fluently, and with confidence across all subjects. Through a daily, systematic and consistent approach to phonics, delivered by trained staff across the school, children learn to segment words to support their ability to spell and blend for reading. To allow our children to develop a strong phonic awareness and effective blending and decoding skills, we have chosen to use a synthetic phonics programme called Little Wandle, based upon Letters and Sounds revised, adapting, as appropriate for the children in our school. Using Little Wandle, children have the opportunity to review prior learning, learn new sounds with sound buttons and dual coding, and apply these to reading and spelling activities. Pupils, in turn, begin to apply their understanding of GPCs across the curriculum in reading of their skills books and writing, supported by phonics mats and grow the code charts in every classroom. The fundamental skills of reading not only underpin children’s confidence across all subjects but also have a huge impact on their ability to access an age-appropriate curriculum. This is why, at Ringwood Junior School, we are committed to delivering and reinforcing phonics daily and across the curriculum.


Each phase within rapid catch up consists of a 4-week teaching block, with assessment in the 5th week. Phase 5 is an exception to this as that is a 14-week block but assessment is still completed every 4 weeks so that progress can be tracked and gaps can be filled.

A week follows the following structure:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

- Revisit of previous weeks sounds and tricky words.

- Teaching of new sounds and tricky words.

- Application of the new learning – reading and writing.


- Revisit of previous days sounds and tricky words.

- Teaching of new sounds and tricky words.

- Application of the new learning – reading and writing.

- Revisit of the new sounds from day 1 and 2.

- New reading book is given containing the sounds they now know.

- Focus for reading on tricky words, new vocabulary and fluency.


Focus on prosody.


Focus on comprehension.

Children have the same reading book until it is swapped the following Wednesday. This is to ensure that they have the opportunity to become more familiar with it, therefore, improving their fluency. The book is linked to the phase that the children are currently learning so that it contains the sounds that they already know. This is also the book that they take home. We call this their ‘skills book’. 


At the end of each 4-week teaching block, the children are assessed by their Phonics Teacher, using their original assessment sheet to track progress. Because of this, it is dated and completed in a different colour. All phonics teachers, including LSAs have had assessment training with the Phonics Lead to ensure a consistent and effective approach. The teachers are then required to feedback to the Phonics Lead who can update groupings and provide necessary resources.


Phonics is streamed at Ringwood Junior School to ensure that all children are accessing the phase that they need, based upon their assessments. The groupings are flexible so some children may move to a different phase group after assessment, as required. Phase 2 and 3 groups are much smaller as these children, often are in a disadvantaged group, and need more focussed teaching. We also offer the Little Wandle SEND programme which is taught on a 1:1 basis.


Through the teaching of systematic phonics, our aim is that children will become more fluent and confident readers, therefore they can focus more on the comprehension aspect of reading. We will be able to measure this progress through regular phonics assessments, the application of phonics knowledge in reading sessions and use of the correct graphemes in writing across the curriculum. Children will be equipped with the skills to decode unfamiliar words using strategies that they have been taught in their daily lessons. All of this, in turn, should develop a love of reading, enabling children to access and explore wider texts that they have access to throughout their schooling careers.

Phonics and Spelling Guidelines

Our approach to the teaching of phonics

  • We believe that all our children can become fluent readers and writers. This is why we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme.
  • On entry pupils are assessed for their phonic knowledge and understanding. Those identified pupils then receive appropriate phonics teaching either through group work or whole class teaching of phonics.
  • The Little Wandle scheme is followed with consistency and fidelity to ensure progress across the school.
  • Phonics sound mats provided for all children who receive phonics teaching to support them when reading their skills books and anytime they are writing.
  • Dyslexia dictionaries and individual spelling dictionaries are also used where needed.

As mentioned in The Reading Framework-

  • Phonics sessions take place in a quiet place, at a regular time every day.
  • Phonics is a school priority, with timetabled time daily for the 15-20 minute sessions.
  • All members of staff are Little Wandle trained to provide consistent, high quality teaching.

Spelling Planning and teaching

  • All classes follow ‘No-Nonsense’ spelling as a scheme using the school Spelling Progression Grid.
  • Teachers can use the Spelling Flipcharts as saved in ‘whole school’, ‘English’, ‘Spelling’, ‘Spelling flipcharts’ as appropriate in conjunction to the spelling pattern/rule being taught or to source other activities independently.
  • Each class has 2 30-minute spelling lessons each week, focusing on the spelling pattern/rule as outlined in the ‘No-Nonsense’ spelling scheme on the Spelling Progression Grid.
  •  Morning activities are used for children practising their spellings. Children can use a range of spelling strategies including SOS, rainbow writing, pyramid, consonant/vowels and syllabification.

Marking of Spellings in English and Project Books

  • In the lower school and for some pupils in the upper school the teacher will write ‘sp’ above the word, pupils to look up the word in a dictionary (a range of dictionaries are available to meet the needs of individuals) and edit their work accordingly.
  • Teacher to ‘sp’ a recommended maximum of 10 words to correct- these should have a focus on high frequency words, spelling generalisations/ patterns and words from the vocabulary bookmarks.
  • In the upper school the teacher will ‘sp’ in the margin on the line of spelling mistake. Pupils to look up the word on a dictionary and write the correct spelling in the margin using their green marking pen.
  • In order to encourage children to become more independent in identifying errors in spelling, common spelling errors are shared with the class as part of a Deep Feedback Lesson (DFL) with the expectations that children will identify and edit their own spellings.
  • Individuals will be given tailored support as required.
  • Pupils should spell the words from the Vocabulary Bookmarks correctly. Spelling patterns to be identified in colour on these for pupils who require it. If they do not, refer them back to the bookmark to self-correct in their own work.
  • Teacher to check spelling corrections.


  • Pupils are tested weekly on their given spellings.
  • Weekly spelling tests are given to check pupils understanding of the spelling words taught and set for homework from the previous week.
  • Parallel spelling test is given termly to provide a spelling age.
  • NFER tests take place mid-year in February and at the end of the year.

Approach to Reading

Our approach to the teaching of phonics

  • We follow the Little Wandle scheme.
  • We believe that all our children can become fluent readers and writers. This is why we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme
  • We value reading as a crucial life skill. By the time children leave us, they read confidently for meaning and regularly enjoy reading for pleasure. Our readers are equipped with the tools to tackle unfamiliar vocabulary. We encourage our children to see themselves as readers for both pleasure and purpose.
  • Pupils requiring phonics support are receive daily catch up phonics sessions

Home reading

  • The decodable reading practice book is taken home to ensure success is shared with the family.
  • Reading for pleasure books also go home for parents to share and read to children.
  • Children can earn Learning Habit Points for reading at home and recording this in their reading record in their homework diary.
  • All children are encouraged to share their recommended reads with their class through completing a book review in the class book review book.

Developing reading for pleasure

  • Each class has a designated library lesson each week. During this time pupils are taught how to use the library and encouraged to experience a range of text types and authors. Book reviews are written in the form of ‘Book tweets’ which are displayed in the library.
  • At the beginning of the year each class visits Ringwood library, here time is spent with librarians taking part in a range of activities and time to choose a book to take home. Extra visits are made across the year for disadvantaged pupils to support fostering a love of books and reading.  We take part in the library Reading Challenge activities.
  • Twice a year, pupils are encouraged to take part in the school ‘Get Caught Reading’ competition where they take photographs of themselves reading in unusual places. These are displayed in the school library and prizes awarded.
  • Each class has a class read-aloud text which is read on a regular basis throughout each week.
  • English units are planned around a high-quality text. These have been chosen in conjunction with English Consultants and advisors. Texts lead to a high-quality writing outcome and development of skills. English is taught daily in class.
  • Poems are selected for each year group and include classic poetry. Some are learnt by heart, to develop oracy and fluency, others are linked to reading and writing units.
  • Texts are chosen for writing, reading, to read aloud, to challenge pupils thinking, to provide a wider world experience and to reflect diversity both within the school and breadth in society.
  • Adult reading helpers are in place across the school. Helpers receive training and guidance on how best to support pupils through the English Leader.
  • Year 6 reading buddies support pupils in years 3 and 4, reading with them on a weekly basis. They use the ‘Paired reading’ format, receiving training and guidance on this from the English Leader.
  • Class teachers will hear individual pupils read on a regular basis. Pupils are heard to reading in reading lessons. All pupils are encouraged to follow the text which is read in class lessons. To develop active reading and fluency, strategies such as echo reading, ghost reading, re-reading are part of reading session. (please refer to fluency document)
  • Authors and story tellers visit each year. Every child will experience four opportunities for a professional story teller across their time at the school.
  • Each class has an ‘Author of the moment’ display which is rotated each term. Pupils are encouraged to read texts by this author to broaden their author range.
  • Each year all children will experience classic literature through a live theatre visit to the school.
  • Each year we have a school bookshop on site for children to visit.
  • For our higher attaining readers, we broaden their range of text and authors and support them in making comparisons and links.

Parents supporting their children with reading

  • Parent and guardian workshop held in Autumn term
  • Reading leaflet issued to all parents annually ‘supporting your child with their reading.’
  • Following dyslexia screening parents and carers are contacted with results and next steps
  • Reading passports include recommended reads for the year group based on Hampshire Library Service recommended reads.
  • For further reading suggestions in the reading passport, children are encouraged to ask the teacher for additional texts.

Shared and Guided Reading

  • Shared reading takes place twice a week for approximately 20 mins this is then followed by Guided Reading. This is small group focused reading time approx. 20 minutes with a group of children who are working on the same skill. The objective is taught and modelled, children read independently, the teacher hears each child (within a small group) read.
  • In order to support the children in making connections, reading is often part of the reading and writing journey and will be evidenced in the English books. If the reading skills are not directly linked to the high-quality text, these will be taught through 2 guided reading sessions using a separate text and recorded in the guided reading books.
  • While guided reading is being taught, pupils in the class will be working on either critical (vocabulary, figurative language, word classification etc.) or creative tasks (written, can be illustrated, drama based). This will inform the groupings


  • Teachers plan carefully for the coverage of reading skills and strategies, highlighting on the domain progression.
  • Evidence of responses to reading tasks is recorded in Reading books.
  • Teachers record pupils’ attainment termly on ARBOR.
  • Termly formal assessments are also carried out using NGRT and NFER test.
  • Responses in Guided Reading provide A4L to inform teacher assessments.
  • Each year a reading workshop is held for parents to explain our approach to reading, how children learn to read and how they can support at home.

Approach to Writing

Whole School


Children on entry are assessed for their phonics using Little Wandle assessment. A rapid response is then taken and children are placed in a daily phonics group based upon their assessments and re- assessed half termly.

Spelling- is taught as a separate lesson twice a week within English lessons using the Hampshire progression document for spelling and ‘No-Nonsense spelling’ which links to the National curriculum expectations.

Children are given two sessions a week in which to practice their weekly spellings using a range of different strategies.

Each class has a large GPC poster for children to refer to.

Magpie Books– These should be used on a daily basis to support the children’s learning. They should include ‘top tips’ and key information. This can be personalised by the children.

Dictionaries – Each class has a range of dictionaries used including dictionaries for children with dyslexia.

Pre-teach – This can include real-life experiences and the teaching of new vocabulary. Year 3 – new vocabulary should be taught after the children with SEND have experienced reading the text. For all other pupils, new vocabulary should be taught prior to reading the text, including pupils with SEND.

Shared writing- is modelled by the teacher as the expert writer with contributions from the children.

This is teacher-led writing with children watching and contributing ideas. Shared writing is not exclusive to English sessions and can be taught within all subjects. The emphasis may be on the generation of ideas, grammatical awareness, spelling and phonics, compositional, transcriptional, presentational and text level skills or other key strategies needed in writing. Not all of these can be modelled in one session, but the teacher as the expert writer leads the cumulative writing process.

Guided writing- that targets children at their point of writing.

Guided writing takes place in small groups with a teaching focus using targets and writing already modelled.

Independent writing.

Throughout the school children need opportunities to develop their confidence and practise their writing skills. All writing activities should have a purpose and quality should be promoted through publication or presentation to another audience. Writing is modelled and supported from immersion to quality writing. Independent writing is supported through the use of dictionaries, word banks, writing frames, phonics mats and handwriting paper.

Grammar and punctuation- is integrated within English units, using the Hampshire Assessment Model to ensure coverage is accurate across all year groups. It is also taught as a separate lesson within English time allowing children time to practise and a develop a skill which can then be integrated into their writing.

Handwriting- is taught as a separate part of English lessons, with additional time provided where appropriate. Regular practice of a cursive script across the school builds on skills taught in Key Stage 1. All teachers have access to the fully cursive script on the ‘Handwriting for Windows’ computer programme, Nelson Handwriting books 1-4 are saved on Teacher’s Resources for each year group to use.

Certificates are given for handwriting development. Examples of work are assessed by the English Leader based upon set criteria.

Bronze Certificate- Handwriting should show the beginnings of clear, legible writing which demonstrates the ability to join letters correctly.

Silver Certificate- More fluent handwriting which is clear and legible; letters should be correctly joined with regular spacing and sizing.

Gold Certificate- Mature writing style which is clear, legible and neat.

Platinum- Pupils consistently demonstrating a gold standard over at least six months.


Handwriting Certificates

We pride ourselves on encouraging our children to develop a fluent, joined handwriting style. To support this we have a clearly structured handwriting  programme with certificates our children can achieve.

Bronze Certificate

Handwriting should show the beginnings of clear, legible writing which demonstrates the ability to join letters correctly.

Class teachers will a award bronze certificate based on evidence in books, once a pupil has achieved bronze they are able to write with a handwriting pen. Certificates are awarded in celebration assembly.

Silver Certificate

Handwriting should be more fluent, clear and legible, letters should be correctly joined with regular spacing and sizing.


To achieve silver certificate children will need to show examples of writing across a range of books to Mrs Marriott. English Manager. Certificates will be awarded in celebration assembly.

Gold Certificate

In order to reach the coveted gold standard children need to have a mature writing style which is clear, legible and neat.

To achieve gold certificate children will need to show Mrs Marriott, English Manager, examples of writing across a range of book. When children are awarded a gold certificate they also receive a special gold handwriting pen. Certificates and gold handwriting pens will be awarded in celebration assembly.