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In the News

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  • African Choir - 'Dream Tour'

    Published 25/03/25

    Our School were thrilled to have the African Adult Choir - UBUNTU - whilst on their "Dream Tour" of the UK.  Most of them originate from Uganda & Kenya and were made up of Alumni from the African Children's Choir, at least 2 of whom had visited Ringwood Junior School some 10 years ago! 

    These talented Christian young performers have just completed secondary school and are now on a gap year before heading to university.  Having come from very poor families, they have been supported throughout their schooling by the Christian charity 'Music for Life'.

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  • Live Theatre Performance

    Published 20/03/25

    The whole school were entertained through acting and music by local theatre company Forest Forge with their 'Suitcase Stories' performance.

    This amazing one man show re-told the well-known story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk', with an alternative ending highlighting how money does not always provide happiness and the importance of saying 'sorry'.

    Everyone enjoyed joining in with well-known lines and new songs.

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  • Chess - All Year

    Published 07/03/25

    This week, Moyles Court School challenged us to an inter-school chess event. We were able to take 6 children from across all year groups and were lucky enough for Moyles Court to offer the use of their mini bus so we could attend.
    The children played in a ‘knock out’ tournament within the lower and upper schools leading to a grand final across all the year groups. Ilyia (Yr 6) was pleased to win all his matches and the final and he was awarded a trophy. All children really enjoyed the event, especially the hot chocolate and doughnuts as a celebratory snack.
    Thank you Mrs Musselwhite for supervising the Chess Club and accompanying the children to the event.

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  • Sportshall Athletics – Year 3 and 4

    Published 07/03/25

    We had a great preparation experience on Saturday at a very busy Indoor Athletics event held at Testwood School. The Sportshall was full of both competitors and spectators with lots of people watching and cheering. This made for a fabulous atmosphere but was also quite busy for our young team of Year 3 and 4’s! Each child took part in a running, jumping and throwing event and then there was the exciting mixed Year sprint relay. Our children were superb in both demonstrating patience; waiting for their turn, motivating each other and doing their best throughout the 4 hours. Although the Year 4’s were reasonably well practised, for the Year 3’s, this was their first taste of real competition and we came away pleased with our results - placing 13th out of 18 teams. We all really enjoyed it and will be looking to encourage more children to join in the preparation after school club next year. Thanks again to all the help and support from parents for being there with snacks and words of encouragement.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 07/03/25

    World Book Day provides a fantastic opportunity to focus on reading for pleasure, supporting children's autonomy in book choice, and embedding a habit of reading that brings a wide range of benefits.

    Children dressed up as one of their favourite book characters or dressed in their pyjamas. They brought one in to school of their favourite books to share and recommend to friends.

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  • Wild Art Club

    Published 05/03/25

    Just in time for Spring, Wild Art Academy and the children from Ringwood Junior School began our sculpture workshop focussing on birds. Using card, Paper Mache, and acrylic paint students had the freedom to explore the materials and processes and have lots of fun whilst producing a sculpture they could be very proud of. Wild Art after school sessions give the children freedom to explore, experiment and build self confidence through mixed media art and our natural environment.




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  • Year 5 and 6 Cross Country Qualifier

    Published 25/02/25

    On a very cold and damp day, our intrepid runners set out against fields of 100 others in each race. The conditions were difficult and the start was muddy.
    It was a great run from all our children, they were completely fearless with some stand out performances from Milo (8th), Josh (14th) and Eloise (20th). The 4 boys from the Year 6 team ran a brave race to all place in the top 21, gaining them a silver medal.
    We gave it our all and the effort and weather took its toll and we were really tired at the end and glad to retreat to the warmth of our cars for a drive back to school.
    Well done everyone and thanks again for parent support with transport.

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  • UK Safer Internet Day

    Published 14/02/25

    We have enjoyed a fantastic celebration of Safer Internet Day this week! This year's theme focuses on protection from scams. 

    In class, pupils engaged in meaningful discussions about the various forms of scams, effective avoidance strategies, and the importance of reporting suspicious activities. Classes created informative posters and mind maps, showcasing their top tips for staying safe online. 

    Additionally, we held a whole school assembly where some Year 6 students presented valuable insights on the topic. 

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  • Year 3 and 4 Cross Country

    Published 10/02/25

    It was a cold and windy afternoon last Friday but we were full of energy and excitement as our Year 3’s and 4’s set out to run a long, interesting Cross Country route around the back fields of Fordingbridge Junior School.
    We cheered on the Yr 1’s and 2’s before we were on the start line. Archer held the lead from the start in the Year 3 race with other members of the team finishing in the top 10. The girls showed huge determination to finish un injured with Erin also medalling as the first girl across the line.
    The Year 4 race was run strategically battled over in the early stages by Toby and Zac and then Oliver chose his moment to speed into action and stride into the lead to gain his medal. The year 4 girls ran safely around the now muddy course and showed huge promise for upcoming races. It was lovely to see the huge smiles on their faces.
    Well done everyone and thanks again for parent support with transport.

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  • Year 3 and 4 Girls Gymnastics

    Published 10/02/25

    It was the turn of our Year 3 and 4’s to experience the variety of gymnastics equipment and expertise of the Noadswood Young Leaders this week. We enjoyed all of the different stations on offer to challenge our balance and co-ordination, but our favourite was the Trampoline, Acro and Vault. We really pushed ourselves to improve our skills on the beam, with high kicks and walking backwards and we created some fabulous floor sequences. It was great to work together, in fact we didn’t stop moving all afternoon!
    If you are interested in joining a gym club, our local one is Gymstars in Ferndown.

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  • Mr Crane's Afterschool Football club

    Published 07/02/25

    It was great to add extra friendly competition to the club this week as we invited Fordingbridge School to join in our Year 3-4 After school football club. 

    They arrived with a strong girls team and a mixed Yr 3 and 4 boys team and we were able to play  matches against both teams. It was so much fun and we hope to be able to invite them again.

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  • Year 5 & 6 Sportshall Athletics Event - New Forest District Finals

    Published 27/01/25

    15 teams from across the New Forest participated in the Sportshall Athletics finals on Saturday at Testwood School. All athletes raced against each other over 3 events a run, a jump and a throw ending with an exciting mixed relay event. It was all about the experience and taking part as we encouraged each other to achieve some really standout individual performances, whether it was a good placing finish in the sprints, a well- executed or accurate throw or speedy jumping.
    We showed tremendous teamwork and also enjoyed supporting our fellow Ringwood- based school teams, cheering on our friends from Poulner School.
    Thank you for giving up your Saturday morning to represent Ringwood Junior School so well!


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