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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is government funding intended to support the education of specific groups of pupils, including those eligible for Free School Meals, children with parents in the armed forces and children in care. Since April 2013, Ringwood Junior School has received this funding annually for each eligible FSM, LAC, and CIS pupil to create equitable opportunities and help each student succeed.

This academic year, our funding allocations are:

• £1,480 for each Free School Meal pupil, retained for six years, even if circumstances change, classifying them as Ever Six.

• £2,570 for each Post-Looked After Child pupil.

• £340 for each Children in Service pupil, retained for three years.

At Ringwood Junior School, we strategically use Pupil Premium funding based on the latest research on effective educational support. Our goals include narrowing the achievement gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers, while also supporting all eligible pupils in reaching their potential, regardless of their starting points.

Our funding enables:

• Targeted academic support, with interventions for pupils needing additional help to meet progress expectations.

• Classroom support, including additional teaching assistant hours to reinforce learning.

• Professional development for staff, aimed at improving teaching quality and support.


A portion of the funding is dedicated to Emotional Literacy Support Assistance (ELSA), helping pupils develop:

• Social skills and positive peer relationships.

• Improved attendance through parent engagement.

• Emotional regulation, including managing anger and sharing.

• Support during lunchtimes and breaks to foster a safe, supportive environment.

To measure our effectiveness, we closely monitor the progress of FSM pupils, who may face unique challenges in their academic journey. Through targeted interventions, we aim to ensure that Pupil Premium children make at least expected progress, if not exceed it.

Our Three-Year Strategy

Ringwood Junior School follows a three-year Pupil Premium strategy, aligning with guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). This strategy aligns with our School Strategic Plan and integrates short-, medium-, and long-term initiatives to enhance learning readiness and overall school improvement.

Our strategic priorities are:

• Ensuring high-quality first teaching across all classrooms.

• Narrowing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

• Providing targeted support for pupils not meeting expected progress.

• Addressing non-academic barriers like attendance and behaviour.

• Directing funds effectively to the pupils most in need.

For further information, please read our Pupil Premium policy and three year strategy.