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Please refer to the Safeguarding information below.  Should you need any additional information, or have any Safeguarding concerns, please speak with a member of school staff or one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads.


  • Mrs S-A Evans
  • Mrs C Thornton


  • Mrs A Marriott
  • Mrs K Gosling
  • Mrs J Litchfield
  • Mrs J Young

Should you need to contact a Designated Safeguarding Lead outside of school hours, please email the address below, which is regularly monitored:

Expectations of behaviour

We have high expectations of behaviour and expect all pupils to follow the Golden Rules. Children who demonstrate good behaviour choices will receive a weekly star towards a good behaviour certificate, which is awarded at the end of each half term. Each class will also work towards a selected whole class reward – teachers will recognise excellent behaviour by the class with a marble into a jar. Once the jar is full, the class receive their reward. Teachers will also choose one child from their class each week to receive a ‘leaf’, when school or learning values have been demonstrated with excellence. These leaves are displayed on the ‘Tree of Achievement’ for all to see. These will be rewarded in our celebration assembly and a certificate will go home. Children can also be awarded ‘housepoints’ by any member of staff for demonstrating excellent behaviour.

Playtime or lunchtime may be lost if rules are broken or poor behaviour choices are made. The amount of time lost will depend on the severity of the rule break and the time will be made up in the ‘Clockhouse’, where children will be asked to reflect upon their behaviour and consider how to improve in the future. This will be recorded and filed to monitor any patterns. If a pattern of rule breaking by an individual does emerge, then the Year Leader will become involved and that child will be given some ‘Community Service’ as a restorative action to the school, staff and other pupils (this could be in the form of litter picking or tidying bookshelves etc). The Assistant Headteacher will speak with the child and their parents will be informed if appropriate. For more serious incidents, the Assistant Headteacher will be involved and may consult with outside agencies – parents will always be informed at this stage. For some children, an individual behaviour contract may be needed, which will be drawn up in consultation with the child, parents, teacher and Assistant Headteacher.