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School Ethos Values

Our TERRIFIC Values give us a standard that we need to live up to during our time at Ringwood Junior School. Pupils will work with others and also make an individual contribution, reflecting on their involvement and motivation.


Working together we can achieve more than on our own. We will work for shared goals by supporting one another, sharing our skills and listening to each other.


Striving for our best at all times and in everything we do, means we can achieve the highest standards of which we are capable in all aspects of school life. Excellence is our goal.


Taking our responsibilities seriously shows we are trustworthy and that we respect others enough not to let them down.


Showing kindness, tolerance and consideration towards others and giving them our attention lets people know we value them.


Getting involved means, contributing our own ideas and being involved in the life and work of our school. We believe being actively involved promotes respect, success for all and a sense of belonging.


Everyone is entitled to have equal opportunities and the right to be treated as an individual. We will try to treat everyone in a fair and consistent manner.


Living up to our personal standards and staying true to our values means people believe in us. We keep our promises.


Persevering and staying focused, helps us to see things through. We will work with determination and drive, giving our full commitment.

Achievement Tree

A leaf award is awarded by a member of staff to a child who is seen to demonstrate any one of the TERRIFIC Values in action.

They are given a certificate in Celebration Assembly to remember the event and a special gold leaf detailing the citation which is added to the Achievement Tree. This will remain all year.

Our TERRIFIC Values are displayed around school.  In the classrooms, the children have created posters showing how these are translated into actions.  Each value is explored in our assemblies and, at the start of every year, we re-confirm our commitment to these values as a whole staff.

Our TERRIFIC Action Passport is a personal record of children’s journey across school. It is used to record the contribution pupils have made and show evidence of this journey over 4 years. Children gain a squirrel stamp when they exemplify the school TERRIFIC values by taking part in an activity or undertaking a responsibility role.

We provide a range of opportunities for children to develop themselves, work with others and contribute to their community. There will be times when pupils reinforce what they can do with skills they have already learnt. At other times, they will take part in new and enriching experiences where they are challenged to learn new skills and develop their leadership skills. Pupils commit to taking part in a range of activities during their time with us and will reflect alone, and with others, to review their own performance and contribution.

This is part of our character development work.

These are the core values which underpin the life and work of the school and the people in it.  They set the culture and ethos for the way we behave and the expectations we have of ourselves and each other. Our TERRIFIC Values unite us as a community through these shared beliefs.

School Song

Written and performed by Year 6 pupils

Verse 1

1910, our school was founded

Those days have gone, the school’s moved on

Moments to treasure, we’ll keep them for ever

Memories will last, for years to come.


Celebrate our past whilst we look to our future

Conserve what we have and we paint a new picture

The journey through school can make these things happen

That’s what Ringwood Junior School is about

Verse 2

Our school values are terrific

Teamwork and excellence, they come first

We climb the ladder of education

Giving us knowledge, for our thirst


Celebrate our past whilst we look to our future

Conserve what we have and we paint a new picture

The journey through school can make these things happen
That’s what Ringwood Junior School is about

Verse 3

Lessons we learn, make us responsible

Help us for life that lies ahead

Nothing can stop us now we’re invincible

We’ll keep on going, until the end


Celebrate our past whilst we look to our future

Conserve what we have and we paint a new picture

The journey through school can make these things happen

That’s what Ringwood Junior School is about


Celebrate our past whilst we look to our future

Conserve what we have and we paint a new picture

The journey through school can make these things happen

That’s what Ringwood Junior School is about


That’s what Ringwood Junior School’s about